Robert A. Logan's Christopher Marlowe (The University Wits) PDF

By Robert A. Logan

In uncovering the starting place of the designation 'University Wits', Bob Logan examines the features of the Wits and their impression at the process Elizabethan drama. For the 1st time, Christopher Marlowe is put within the context of the six collage Wits, the place his acceptance would be the such a lot famous, and the impression of his college schooling on his works is clarified. The essays chosen for reprinting check the main major scholarship written approximately Marlowe, together with biographical experiences, demanding situations to widespread assumptions concerning the poet/playwright and his works, compositions on groupings of his works, on person works, and on matters specific to Marlowe. targeted in its viewpoint and within the selection of essays, this ebook will curiosity all scholars and students of Renaissance poetry, drama, and really expert cultural contexts.

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Christopher Marlowe (The University Wits) by Robert A. Logan

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