New PDF release: Broken Whole : A California Tale Of Craziness, Creativity

By Keith Adams


This violently colourful, devastatingly forthright recounting of the author’s look for self amidst the shards of mania, happens nearly solely over the process the summer time of the author’s forty-first yr – set opposed to the glittering heritage of the hall of desires, the swanky swathe of the West aspect of l. a. stretching from the Hollywood Hills to the boulevards of Beverly hill – with its story of luxurious items, non secular discovery, thrust for glory, incredible principles, now not so exceptional principles, fist-fights, arrest by means of the LAPD, and, finally, a prognosis of bipolar affliction. It asks if the glowing character chained up via temper stabilizers is the true self, and, whether it is no longer, is there one of these factor as a true self?

About the Author

Keith Adams, born in 1964, perennially wonders how an abnormally tall, working-class boy from the North beach of britain ended up in a home in Hollywood with canines, and his accomplice, a number one scientific learn scientist at UCLA. even supposing he writes for a residing (computer code), he continually was hoping to do “real writing”, from adventure. that chance got here from being clinically determined with bipolar ailment in 2006, after a major brush with madness. At one element, he heavily believed he will be a mix homosexual megastar / epochal highbrow / latter day Messiah. fairly evidently, he grew to become none of these issues, yet he did continue to exist the inevitable crash to inform the story, because of the aid of pals and family

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Broken Whole : A California Tale Of Craziness, Creativity And Chaos by Keith Adams

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