Alice L. George's Awaiting Armageddon: How Americans Faced the Cuban Missile PDF

By Alice L. George

For 13 days in October 1962, the United States stood on the breaking point of nuclear battle. Nikita Khrushchev's selection to put nuclear missiles in Cuba and John F. Kennedy's defiant reaction brought the opportunity of remarkable cataclysm. The rapid hazard of destruction entered America's school rooms and its residing rooms. Awaiting Armageddon presents the 1st in-depth examine this drawback because it roiled outdoor of presidency places of work, the place usual americans learned their executive was once unprepared to guard both itself or its voters from the risks of nuclear war.

During the seven days among Kennedy's assertion of a naval blockade and Khrushchev's determination to withdraw Soviet nuclear missiles from Cuba, U.S. voters absorbed the nightmare situation unfolding on their tv units. An anticipated ten million american citizens fled their houses; thousands extra ready shelters at domestic, clearing the cabinets of supermarkets and gun shops. Alice George captures the irrationality of the instant as american citizens coped with dread and resignation, humor and pathos, terror and ignorance.

In her exam of the general public reaction to the missile hindrance, the writer unearths cracks within the veneer of yankee self assurance within the early years of the distance age and demonstrates how the fears generated by means of chilly battle tradition blinded many americans to the risks of nuclear battle till it was once virtually too late.

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Awaiting Armageddon: How Americans Faced the Cuban Missile Crisis by Alice L. George

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