Download e-book for iPad: Life Without Money: Building Fair and Sustainable Economies by Anitra Nelson,Frans Timmerman

By Anitra Nelson,Frans Timmerman

The money-based worldwide economic climate is failing. The credits crunch undermined capitalism's skill to make sure emerging earning and prosperity whereas market-led makes an attempt to strive against weather swap are fought enamel and nail by way of enterprise as environmental crises continue.

We urgently have to wrestle those that say 'there is not any substitute' to the present process, yet what could an alternate appear like? The individuals to
Life with out Money argue that it's time radical, non-market versions have been taken heavily. The booklet brings jointly various voices offering robust arguments opposed to our money-based system's skill to enhance lives and stop environmental catastrophe. Crucially, it presents a right away method for undercutting capitalism through refusing to deal in cash, and gives money-free versions of governance and collective sufficiency.

Life with out Money is written by way of high-profile activist students, together with Harry Cleaver, Ariel Salleh and John O'Neill, making it a very good textual content for political economic climate and environmental classes, in addition to an inspiring manifesto when you are looking to take action.

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Life Without Money: Building Fair and Sustainable Economies by Anitra Nelson,Frans Timmerman

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