A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches (Introduction to - download pdf or read online

By Robert E. Johnson

Coinciding with the 400th anniversary of the beginning of the Baptist circulation, this e-book explores and assesses the cultural assets of Baptist ideals and practices. even though the move has been embraced, enriched, and revised by means of various cultural heritages, the Baptist move has interested by a small workforce of Anglo exiles in Amersterdam in developing its heritage and identification. Robert E. Johnson seeks to recapture the various cultural and theological assets of Baptist culture and to offer voice to the varied international components of the flow that experience formerly been excluded or marginalized. With a world communion of over a hundred and ten million individuals in additional than 225,000 congregations, Baptists represent the world's greatest mixture of evangelical Protestants. This paintings bargains perception into the range, breadth, and complexity of the cultural affects that proceed to form Baptist identification today.

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A Global Introduction to Baptist Churches (Introduction to Religion) by Robert E. Johnson

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